Anne Frank- Question & Answers (A05 Signatures)

Answer in one or two sentences:

  1. What are the ostensible reasons for the Nazi hatred towards Jews?

Adolf Hitler had hated the Jews because he thought that Germany failed in First World War because the Jews and the Communists betrayed the country. This hatred towards Jews or Anti-semitism transformed into extreme measures when Hitler became the chancellor of Germany and led to Holocaust.

2. What is Anne Frank’s only hope?

Anne Frank’s only hope is that the hatred towards Jews will pass some day and the Dutch will embrace the Jews as their own people. She was hoping to live peacefully in the Netherlands with her family.

3. Why was the vegetable man picked?

The vegetable man was picked because he was hiding a few Jews. During the German invasion of the Netherlands when they hunted for Jews, some Dutch were kind enough to hide the Jews under their wings. But when they were caught, both the Jews and the ones who hid them were severely punished.

4. Why did Anne’s father try to delete some parts of her diary?

Anne’s father wanted to delete some parts of her diary where she mentioned matters of her sexuality and conflict with her mother.

5. What is the secret annexe?

The secret annexe was a part in the building where Otto Frank ran his business in Amsterdam. He used a book shelf to cover the secret door that opened to Frank family’s apartment and other’s who lived with them. This portion of the building was called the secret annexe.

6. Why does Anne fear that the Jews might be bundled out of Holland?

Anne fears that the Jews might be bundled out of Holland because of their hostility towards the Jews. The spread of Anti-semitism in Holland was threatening Anne’s family along with all the Jews who went hiding.


  1. How does the vegetables man’s arrest affect Anne’s family?

The arrest of the vegetable man shows that Anne’s arrest is not too far away. The Germans are searching all the houses, its attic and every nook and corners to catch the hiding Jews. Once they are arrested they will be punished severely along with the ones who hid them. Anne is scared that the vegetable man’s arrest will also affect the entire vegetable supply of her family. Because now that the man is arrested she and her family will have to cut off the breakfast and have some vegetables or lettuce only twice in a week. This will affect their nutritional balance as well. As Jews went hiding their food supply was a major concern. Lack of enough food and exposure to sunlight made many vulnerable to diseases like Typhus. Later they will perish in concentration camps like flies. Anne humorously mentions that now that she and other women in her secret apartment will not be fighting over who gets bigger share of food.

2. How were the Jews stereotyped by the German society?

The propaganda of Nazi Germany was very simple- ostracise everything and everyone that is not Aryan or German. They created this idea of enemy by spreading the stereotypical image of Jews, homosexuals, and people with both mental, intellectual and physical disabilities. In short any one who would not be contributing to the economy of the country and the Jews were enemies of the state. This hostility was spread through caricatures, printed jokes and repeated criticisms through public speeches by Hitler and his totalitarian government. This anti semitism gradually spread to the neighbouring countries like Poland, France and the Netherlands. Obviously this made the lives of immigrant refugee Jews difficult as they found shelter nowhere.

3. “What one Christian does is his own responsibility, what one Jew does is thrown back at all Jews”. Explain.

Anne Frank mentions this old saying to show how Anti-semitism is spread in this world. When a Christian does something wrong he is criticised singularly. But when a Jew does anything wrong his whole community is accused for it. In history Jews are generally portrayed as betrayers and usurers. Literary characters like Shylock and Barabas were the epitome of Jewish caricatures of the Elizabethan England. The hatred towards Jews was unreasonable. Even though they protested in their own way they were suppressed as they were stateless ever since Israel. Anne hopes that one day the country where Jews find sanctuary will accept them as their people and they can live peacefully.

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